Funding obtained for All-weather Multi-use Sports pitch
The Club is very pleased to announce that funding has been secured to create an all-weather pitch/training area within Glenpark. The area will be located between the squash court and the "Terris". The provision of this facility will give Club members the opportunity to play and train in all weathers and with extended times, under floodlights. The area will be of particular advantage to the Junior Sections, allowing them to extend practice and skills and promote the ability for casual practice. It is envisaged that by extending and improving the facilities of the Club, membership numbers and player retention will be enhanced.
Project costs have been met through a protracted process of funding applications over the past two years. It is important to note that through utilising various avenues of support, the project is cost neutral to the Club but a fantastic facility is realised. The drive towards raising funding has at times been arduous but is a lesson in determination not affected by detractors. Not only will training and playing conditions be improved beyond recognition, but the aesthetic appearance of the Club will be dramatically improved.
The Club are very pleased to acknowledge the funding support of Inverclyde Council through the Community Facilities Fund, and Sportscotland through the 2014 Legacy Active Places Fund. The support of Duncan McNeil MSP has also been greatly appreciated.
With contractors' commitments to the Commonwealth Games, the impending cricket season and the need to comply with the local planning process, it is likely the build of the facility will commence in the late autumn.
Club President, Peter Hempsey said, “I am delighted that the lengthy funding application process for this new facility has proved successful and, in particular, I would wish to thank Colin McDougall for his time, energy and commitment to see this whole process through to its conclusion, despite the many obstacles which had to be overcome. The new facility will have many positive benefits for the Club and I am sure will be a terrific asset for the future.”