Glenpark XI locked out

Glenpark XI v Active Life

The Glenpark XI turned up at Springburn Park on Saturday to take on Active Life. With the sun beating down from the sky and conditions set fair, one would have been forgiven for thinking that all was set for an enjoyable day's cricket.

Not so, unfortunately. Enquiries with the ground caretaker elicited the fact that the clubhouse would be closed and locked up straight away after the tea interval. That would mean no toilet facilities and nowhere to get changed after the game. The Glenpark players, quite understandably, took exception to this. Contact was made with the Chairman of the Western District Cricket Union, Tom Halpin, and the situation was explained to him.

It should be stressed that none of this was the fault of Active Life. Rather it is the policy of Glasgow City Council that must take the blame. Their desire to cut costs by reducing overtime paid to the likes of the caretaker of Springburn Park is going to cause similar problems not just for Active Life but for the other clubs in the WDCU who play at Public Parks owned by the council.

Clearly, the WDCU League Management Committee have a difficult problem to resolve here.

The sad thing about all of this is that 22 guys should have spent Saturday afternoon enjoying a game of cricket but thanks to the actions of the Council, they were all left frustrated.